Learning Series for HR DevOps
I am launching a new learning series, and want to get feedback from the community. Are these the types of issues you face as a HR professional? Let me know. I would like to make videos that help you achieve what you need to in HR Operations & Workforce Science.
The learning series - How to use Unix cURL commands in a Mac or PC Terminal to pull a set of Job Descriptions from Greenhouse using their open API - . The tutorial will use tools such as Greenhouse API, API Permission management, Unix commands to download raw json files, and the Python language to parse the JSON files once loaded.
The learning series will have 2 parts:
Part 1 - Understanding the systems integrations & how to draw information from applications such as an applicant tracking system.
~ 30 minutes: Discuss HR systems, and specifically the interface between the applicant tracking system, your web site & downstream.
In this use case, we look at Greenhouse Applicant Tracking System (ATS), and how to pull job descriptions for all historical data.
Skills learned:
- The interface between applicant tracking system and web portal
- Harvest API creation, Webhooks, and API security management
- cURL commands such as GET using a UNIX terminal & API key
- JSON file download as raw data & some basic python to view it.
- Text editing software to clean the JSON data files & build code
Part 2 - Working with the raw data and turning it into a useful job description to archive for future reference.
~30 minutes; Understand JSON & nested information. How to find what you ‘really’ want and bin the rest.
Initial parsing in Python and Text Editing software to filter the JSON format fully..
Skills learned:
- Working with large JSON data sets out of a source application
- Parsing JSON using Python and pulling the core key:value pairs
- Using text editing software such as Sublime Text to edit further
- Saving the final Job Description and building standard templates
Who I think will benefit:
People like myself.. HR data wonks who like to solve problems. HR professionals who seek ways to effectively apply technology, but are also conscious that it is a mix of technology and the people who use it to successfully build a company.
Please send me a tweet @talentrics or let me know on LinkedIn that you like the content., or subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
I can make more to answer specific questions you may have about HR Operations, Analytics & Automation. Let me know!